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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Stop and Smell the Roses

It's August already. Boy, summer is just flying by. The kids will be returning to school in just a few short weeks.

Before you know it, we will be buried under mounds of snow and ice. We'll be lamenting over wind chill factors instead of heat indices.

The purpose of my post today is not to depress you, but to encourage you to stop long enough to smell the roses, literally. For many of us, it will be many months before we will again have the opportunity. Don't miss the moment. La

I will be joining the party at Outdoor Wednesdays

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  1. You are truly correct! I hate to complain about the heat...but I do not mind our four seasons either...regardless...I will stop and smell the roses, when I see one:)

  2. Good Morning La....My roses are still blooming and believe me, I will take a moment to stop and smell them! Looking forward to Septemeber weather and wish it could stay all year round but we all know here in Ohio what is around the corner....Make it a great day, friend!~Hugs, Patti

  3. What beautiful pink roses! Looks like I could almost reach out and touch them.

  4. I wish I had roses to stop and smell. Everything here in East Texas is drying up from lack of rain and the heat. I am still thankful for every day. We all have so much to be thankful for when we consider all of the natural disasters that are happening world-wide. What is a little heat in comparison to mudslides,floods,or earthquakes???

  5. Hi La,
    Visiting you today for the first time for Outdoor Wednesday, the summer certainly is flying by and my roses are almost over but I still appreciate them every day.
    Carpe Diem!

  6. I always find the sight of roses uplifts me, even those varieties that don't have much of a scent.

  7. Thanks for stopping by. You're right of course about the cold coming but it seems the heat takes more out of me!

  8. Hi La, We are not having the heatwave you all seem to be suffering with but you are so right summer will be gone so quickly. I will make a real effort this weekend to enjoy it. Jane xx

  9. Such a sweet and true sentiment! Thank you for the gentle reminder and for being such a love.
    I treasure you!



Hi! Thanks for stopping by my blog. Please feel free to leave a comment. I read every message and appreciate that you took the time to say hello.

See you soon! La