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Thursday, September 29, 2011

My Memories Review and Giveaway!

Do I have a treat for you today!  

Recently, I was contacted by My Memories, a digital scrapbooking software company.  They asked if I would like to review their software, My Memories Suite Version 2.0.  After checking out their website and blog, I heartily agreed.

Last Sunday, I loaded the scrapbook software to my computer.  I’m happy to report you do not need to be computer savvy to load the software.  I did it all by myself.  Woo-hoo!

After familiarizing myself with the program for a short time, I started putting pages together.  It was so much fun!  
There are so many things you can do with this program.  You can make fabulous layouts for your blog for Mosaic Monday…

You can make personalized calendars for those hard-to-buy-for people on your holiday shopping list…
And you can share your memories and events electronically with loved ones who live out-of- town.    
The software comes with all the papers, embellishments, and journaling capabilities you will need to get started.  For even more fun and versatility, My Memories also offers scrapbook kits, just like your favorite scrapbooking store, which include papers, embellishments, and lettering…at a fraction of the cost…and some for FREE!  You can’t beat that!

Guess what?  The generous people at My Memories are also giving My Memories Suite Version 2.0 to one of YOU!  Time for a happy dance…   

Stop the music!

Although only one person can win this fabulous prize, the company is also offering my readers $10 off the purchase of My Memories Suite Version 2.0!  You can own this software, with all its versatility, for the low price of $29.97 (Regular $39.97).  To receive the $10 discount, simply copy and paste this code STMMMS97883 in the promotional code box when you check out.     

Mandatory Entry – Visit My Memories and tell me which scrapbooking kit you like best.  This must be completed in order to win.

Bonus Entries –  Please leave a comment for EACH completed task
  1. Be a follower of A Musing Potpourri.
  2. Like A Musing Potpourri on Facebook and leave a comment, then come back here and tell me you did.
  3. Post this giveaway on your sidebar.
  4. Tell your friends on Facebook about this giveaway.
  5. Follow My Memories Blog.
  6. Like My Memories on Facebook.
  7. Complete all of the above and get a bonus entry.
That is a lot of ways to win so make sure you leave a separate comment for each entry so you get credit for them.  I will draw a winner using a random number generator on October 15.



Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Blast from the Past: 80s Hair

A couple weeks back we looked at celebrity inspired hair styles.  Today, grab your pick, teasing comb, and Aqua Net ‘cause we’re looking back at the BIG hairstyles of the 80s.  Frankly, I’m not sure WHAT inspired these disasters  creations, but they were all the rage.  
Jheri Curl – The Jheri Curl was worn by African Americans in the 70s and 80s, so its trend lasted quite a while.  It gave the wearer a glossy, loosely curled look.  Copious amounts of moisturizer and curl activator was needed daily to maintain this look.
Perms (Curly) – Along the same vein, curly perms were all the rage during the 80s and worn by men and women alike.  The poodle-like style created volume for those with thin hair and helped disguise cow-licks.  I know this because all three of my brothers and I sported this easy-care do.  Please don’t hate me.  It could be worse…

Mullets – Like most trends, this gem of a haircut garners quite a bit of ridicule since it fell from grace.  Although it is comedian fodder now (Joe Dirt), it was all the rage and many celebrities sported a mullet, including Paul McCartney, David Bowie, and Bono.  

It is a style of extremes: very short and spiky on the top and sides and worn long in the back.  It is so funny because there is a boy on Joel’s football team that sports a mullet…I think as a joke….at least I hope so!
Rat-tails – As if the mullet isn’t bad enough on its own, in the 80s it was many times accompanied by a Rat-tail.   The rat-tail usually curls naturally; however, it can also be braided, curled with a curling iron, or treated and worn as a dread, permed, or straightened.

Flock of Seagulls Hairstyle – I don’t get it.  Never have…never will.

Fess up boys and girls, how did you wear your hair in the 80s? 


Monday, September 26, 2011

Welcome Autumn 2011

Happy Fall!

What's not to love about autumn?

It is my favorite time of year, and is Ohio's best season.  The crisp fresh air with low humidity and cool breezes.  

The trees are already turning here in Central Ohio.  Before long, they will falling in the breeze onto the ground where they will crunch...crunch...crunch under foot.  I love that sound.  
We went to the orchard yesterday for the annual Apple Festival.  Does anything smell better than an apple orchard in the fall.  It gives me a warm fuzzy feeling.  I remember every fall going to the orchard with Mom.  We would buy apples, caramels, parched corn, and cider. 
You all know how much I love my football.  I follow football at all levels with high school being my favorite.  I love the school spirit shown by the players, band, cheerleaders, and fans.  I've been watching my nephews and Jordan play football for nearly 20 years.  Boy, that makes me feel old. 
Nephew, Joel is #2
Fall holidays are fun, festive, and food driven.  Halloween is so much fun.  I love handing out candy to all the little ghosts, goblins, lions, and princesses.  I even enjoy giving treats to the teenagers who come around with a pillow case.  Of course, I can't forget the four-legged tricksters.  They get treats, too.  
Jordan from his first Halloween to last year
Last year, I had a bowl of dog treats to hand out and a certain black furry Court Jester, pictured in my banner, kept sneaking treats.  He was very slick about it too.  I wouldn't notice until I'd hear him chomping on it.  
After Halloween, we gear up for the feast of the year, Thanksgiving.  I am still a kid at heart and can't imagine not plopping my backside in front of the TV for the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade and the official arrival of SANTA CLAUS!!!  

If you missed Pat's post about the parade last year, do yourself a favor and visit her HERE

Oh my, talk about food coma...after the parade, the onslaught of power-eating ensues with turkey, stuffing, gravy, cranberries, sweet potatoes, and baked goods.  The gluttonous eating is justified though, because you have to have plenty of energy for the Black Friday sales that begin just hours after your THIRD dessert. 

I think I will throw on some sweats and start planning my eating strategy....
What is your favorite part about autumn? 


Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Blast from the Past: Drive-in Theater

Pictures via Google Images

Hello Friends.  

I have to tell you, the comments left on the Blast from the Past posts are my very favorite to read.  You all share such wonderful memories and humorous quips.  I look forward to it every week.  

Last week, we talked about gas prices UNDER A DOLLAR A GALLON.  Now THOSE were the good ol’ days.  Many of you mentioned there aren’t any drive-ins left in your area.  Let me tell you….come to Central Ohio where they still exist.

Drive-ins are still the best cinema bargain around.  They still offer double features for one low price.  There are, however, some changes. 

Remember when you would pull up to a post with a detachable speaker.  As a young driver, I always seemed to have problems lining up my dad’s car correctly.  Ergo, there was always the back-up, pull forward, back-up, pull forward, back-up, pull forward dance to park just right.  Then I would need to stretch out the window to grab the speaker and attach it to my window.  Half the time the sound was so bad all you could here was static.  
These days, you listen to the dialogue on your radio.  How cool is that?

When Jordan was younger, we would drive to the drive-in in Kenton, which is about 20 miles away.  We would stop and get a pizza and drinks on the way.  It was an economical evening of fun.  Now, that same drive-in charges you extra for bringing in your own food.  

Jordan and Ashlee go to the drive-in from time-to-time.  There are four drive-in theaters within an hour’s drive so they have a good choice of movies.  As for me, it has been probably 5-6 years since I went to the drive-in.  I can’t seem to stay awake that late anymore…

Do you have good memories of drive-in theaters?  Do you still have drive-ins near you?


Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Blast from the Past: Gas Prices

Blast from the Past: Cost of Gas

It’s official. I am a woman of a certain age. You know you are a person of a certain age when you start sentences with I remember when… 

When I first had my license, a couple years ago…ahem, a gallon of gas was less than a dollar. To be exact, it cost me $.62 per gallon of gas. Whenever I borrowed Dad’s car, I had to put gas in it…so off to the service station I would go to have $1.00 worth of gas (1.62 gallons) pumped into the car before picking up my friends to go to the drive-in for a double-feature.

Times, they sure have changed. That same dollar would get me just over ¼ of a gallon of gas…that is 1 quart…or 2 pints…or 4 cups. No matter how you phrase it, it isn’t much gas. I doubt it would get me to the nearest drive-in theater now.

How much did gas cost when you were a new driver?

Monday, September 12, 2011

First Responders

Hello Friends.

I hope you each had a spectacular weekend.  My weekend was filled to the brim with football games, the Marion Popcorn Festival, and remembering the events of 9/11/01.  

Last night as I watched one of the many specials, I saw hundreds of firefighters marching toward the one remaining tower and I wondered what was going through the minds of these brave men and women.  Certainly, it must have run through their minds that this may be the fire they don’t survive.  Still, they marched forward without a discernible instance of hesitancy.

While the heroism the first responders exhibited on 9/11 is irrefutable, the truth is there are first responders throughout the world who put their lives on the line for the safety and protection of the public daily.
Friday, during my lunch hour, I visited First Responders Park in Hilliard, Ohio.  My purpose for going was to take pictures to share with you on 9/11.  I was not quite prepared for the emotional impact of this visit.  

The park is dedicated to the first responders nationwide who sacrifice their personal safety to protect our citizens.  Although the memorial is in Hilliard, Ohio, it carries the message that no matter where you live, all Americans are stakeholders in the events of 9/11.

The focal point of the park is a unique sculpture by Ohio artist, Dale Johnson.  A new element will be added to the sculpture each year, making it an ever evolving piece.  The sculpture is made of individual cast and fabricated stainless steel figures, which were then welded together.
When you first look at the piece, you see that it represents the flames of the inferno which enveloped the towers.  Upon further inspection, you see the individual figures represent the people who perished in the flames. 
This amazing sculpture sets atop a platform, surrounded by a reflecting pool.  Fire hoses, 9 on one side and 11 on the other spray water into the pool.

Three granite walls, each representing the three places where planes crashed are engraved with the names of the victims who died on 9/11.
The sculpture below is made of fiberglass and represents the image of the tower remnants that remained standing.
I visited the World Trade Center and ate at Windows on the World when I was a senior in high school.  A month before the attacks, Jordan and I drove through New York as we drove home from Cape Cod.  I pointed out the buildings in the skyline and promised Jordan we would come back in the spring and we would tour some of them.

See those two really tall buildings?
Those are the twin towers of the World Trade Center.

Therefore, the most powerful aspects of the park, for me, are the six tons of steel from the World Trade Center towers that are incorporated into the memorial.
Part of a support beam from Ground Zero sets alone.  No plaque with eloquent words.  After all, what could be said?

These railings are from the subway tunnel that ran under the towers.  I wonder if I ran my hand down this railing on my visit to the World Trade Center all those years ago…

If you know me personally, you know that I am fascinated by all things that fly.  I may be in the midst of a conversation, but will stop and look up if a plane or helicopter flies overhead….usually dreaming about being on board and flying off to somewhere exotic.
Friday as I approached this part of the park, an airliner flew overhead.  Honestly, it could not have been timed more appropriately.  I was chilled by the sound of the planes engines while my eyes took in the sight of this twisted metal.  I was drawn to touch the metal as I looked at it and I wondered what it must have been like for the rescue workers to look for survivors and deceased in endless piles of twisted metal.  What kind of psychological impact did this have on their lives?
Thank you to all the first responders who work daily to make our lives safer.  

To the Firefighters – thank you.
To the Peace Officers – thank you.
To the Emergency Medical Technicians – thank you.

To the two first responders who have 
a special place in my heart:

Lieutenant BJ Gruber
Marion Police Department

Jason Gruber
Scioto Valley Fire Department

Stay safe.
I am so proud of you.

Love, Aunt La

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Ten Years

Ten years.

Ten years?

How could it possibly be10 years since the murderous attacks on innocent people (civilians)?  It seems like just yesterday.  

With the passing of time, fears have calmed and grief has faded, but our vigilance and resolve remain strong as ever.  Never again will Americans be lulled into believing the immoral activities of those with hardened hearts and evil souls who hate freedom and democracy cannot impact our lives.  

Today, let’s not waste our time thinking about thugs.  Instead, let’s…

Remember the brave first responders who rushed into the doomed towers of the World Trade Center.  More than 400 first responders died trying to save those trapped in the towers and surrounding buildings.

Remember the heroic actions of the passengers on Flight 93, who fought back and foiled a second planned attack on Washington DC with its likely target being either the Capitol or the White House.  

Let’s Roll!

Remember the lost lives of the innocent men, women, and children murdered in terrorist attacks on New York, Washington, and Shanksville.

Remember the victims who died as a result of exposure to dust during the collapse of the World Trade Center and those who suffer from disease as a direct result of this exposure.

Remember more than 90 countries lost compatriots as a result of the attacks on 9/11/2001.    

Remember US senators and representatives from both sides of the aisle uniting on the Capitol steps to sing God Bless America.

Remember President Bush’s bullhorn speech at Ground Zero.  

I can hear you! I can hear you!
The rest of the world hears you!
And the people -- and the people
who knocked these buildings
down will hear all of us soon!

Remember the rescue crews who came from all parts of the US and world to search for survivors and to recover the deceased.

Remember the 300 rescue dogs who worked tirelessly.    

Remember the increased number of households who proudly flew the Stars and Stripes.  Are you still flying your flag regularly?  We proudly fly ours year round.   

Remember the tearful condolences offered by our friends from every corner of the world.  

Remember the survivors and loved ones whose lives have forever been changed.  

Do you remember?

Thursday, September 8, 2011



 The golden-rod is yellow;
The corn is turning brown;
The trees in apple orchards
With fruit are bending down.

The gentian's bluest fringes
Are curling in the sun;
In dusty pods the milkweed
Its hidden silk has spun.

The sedges flaunt their harvest,
In every meadow nook;
And asters by the brook-side
Make asters in the brook,

From dewy lanes at morning
The grapes' sweet odors rise;
At noon the roads all flutter
With yellow butterflies.
By all these lovely tokens
September days are here,
With summer's best of weather,
And autumn's best of cheer.

But none of all this beauty
Which floods the earth and air
Is unto me the secret
Which makes September fair.

'T is a thing which I remember;
To name it thrills me yet:
One day of one September
I never can forget.

Helen Hunt Jackson