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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Alphabe Thursday: P is for Prognosticator

P is for Prognosticator: to predict or foretell future events.

Do you believe in physics, fortune tellers, weathermen? I don't put much stock in prognostication because

I've survived too many ends of the world as foretold by Nostradamus

The weather forecaster's success rate is less than impressive.

There would be a lot more rich psychics if they were able to predict the winning lottery numbers.

The only prognosticator I believe in…..the only prognosticator I pin my hopes and dreams on....the only prognosticator worth his weight in a groundhog.

You’ve probably heard of Punxsutawney Phil. The most famous groundhog of all, but I’d like to tell you about Phil’s cousin, Buckeye Chuck. Buckeye Chuck is a native of Marion, Ohio. He began predicting the arrival of Spring in the 1970s.

From late September until early April, Buckeye Chuck spends his time hibernating. On February 2, against his will, Chuck emerges from his sleep to predict the weather. In 1979, the Ohio legislature made Buckeye Chuck Ohio's official groundhog.

According to Ohio History Central, using groundhogs to predict the weather came from a long-held German belief if a hibernating animal sees its shadow on February 2, six more weeks of winter will occur. In the United States, this tradition evolved into Ground Hog Day.

Generally, wild groundhogs live to only two years of age while domesticated ones commonly live to ten years of age. While groundhogs rarely live more than a decade, some people contend that Buckeye Chuck is the same groundhog that has predicted the weather for more than thirty years.

Visit Jenny's blog where we celebrate a new letter each Thursday.


  1. Please please please Mr. Chuck, prognosticate us an early spring!!!

  2. I so hope Chuck doesn't see his shadow!


  3. He came thru right on target ... We are in a blizzard literally right now ... YippEE!

    Have a wonderful day ~
    TTFN ~

  4. Ok, I'm in Philly, 10 more inches of snow tonight... If Ohio Chuck will make spring come earlier-I'm all for it:@)

  5. I learned a lot there but spring is still going to come when it gets here.

  6. I do believe - in a way. And Phil...well...that one I don't really believe Colorado we have winter till May no matter what Phil says.

  7. Happy Birthday to you! Best wishes for a wonderful year! Twyla

  8. Groundhog Day is my favorite day of the whole year...because it is my birthday!

  9. I'm with you and don't put to much credence in prognostication. Remember Y2K...the little blip on the computer chip that was going to shut the world down...Didn't happen. Now, the ground hog, maybe? LOL


  10. Being here in PA I for one don't put any faith in what PHIL has to say...I think it's a holiday for those old geezers to put suits and top hats on...and drag that furry beast out of his home...
    It's coming down here at 2-3 inches per hour.
    I'm thinking it will cover Phil's hole and they won't be able to find him :)

    Happy Alphabe-Thursday

  11. Is there any way we can bribe Chuck to predict and early spring? I'm getting tired of all.this.snow! :D

  12. I don't believe in psychics, fortune tellers etc. There is a skeptics society that will pay a hefty prize to anyone who can prove psychic ability. No one has ever claimed it.
    Not even a ground hog.

  13. Well that was cute. Phil will be in the spotlight soon. I hope spring is near!

  14. I'm counting on that cute little Phil to bring us an early spring... don't really believe any of this but it's fun to watch.

  15. Interesting background on Groundhogs Day! Thanks for visiting!
    You are first commenter and get an extra link back to this blog. Congrats!
    Sara Cat
    For the benefit of other readers:
    Sara Cat's AT-rd-2-P is for 'Puss in Boots'

  16. I hope Phil says winter is going to end soon when he looks at his shadow next week.

  17. I want to believe in Phil, but Feb. is just around the corner, and our winter is only at the beginning.

  18. Hi La,

    Very informative and fun. Thank you for your well wishes for Jeff. As he says, "I am Army strong"-hehe.
    Have a blessed weekend.

    big hugs,

  19. Ha! I love this! I predict you will receive many comments on this post!!

  20. La, that is a very fun post. I hope that's true, that he is the same one. And I guess we find out soon how long winter will continue, won't we? I'll be checking back with you to see what Chuck says.


    Sheila :-)

  21. Good job on your p post.

    I don't believe in prognosticators either, but I do think the whole groundhog thing is lots of fun!


  22. I always love to learn something new. Practically perfect. Thanks for your post!

  23. What a perfectly delightful stop on our little journey through Alphabe-Thursdays letter "P".

    When I lived in Ohio, Phil was a Groundhog after my own heart.

    We need to find some kind of mascot here in Arizona so predict the first day of triple digit temperatures so we can all hide!

    Thanks for the smile!

    You are so neat!


  24. Awww, too cute, La! I think Nostradamus must have known what he was talking about--but we need someone to explain's hard to crack his code...wish we could!!!

  25. That's quite a word you picked!!! I've never heard of Buckeye Chuck, but I hope he says winter is on the way out :-)
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  26. Great post. Lots of fun. My grandson says a weatherman has the only job where you can be right 40% of the time and still keep your job.
    I don't believe in psychics but I sure hope Chuck doesn't see his shadow. Just hedging my bets you see. Hugs, Ginger

  27. Hi! Thanks for your visit and putting the giveaway button on your sidebar. I am already your follower.

    I plan to join in of "Q" is for" next week, although it's not nearly so ingenious as P for Pronosticator. He hope it's an early Spring. Although it is 74 here today (hooray!!!) freezing weather and snow is predicted for Tuesday...that's Texas for you.


  28. La,

    Great post. I couldn't agree more.



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